An ode to socks

For Christmas, I asked for socks (which I forgot to mention – I did get some!). And before someone goes and tells me that I’m incredibly weird (which I occasionally am), I’d like to remind you all that my school gets a lot of wind chill and sometimes it’s all fine and dandy to pile […]

Faked optimism at its best.

I just reread all that I wrote last night and realized that I sound like an incredibly ungrateful spoiled brat. Which I’m not. I sincerely hope. So to start things off on a good note today… I pulled out a crochet hook and some yarn and started on my lace shawl that I’m making for […]

Sick and tired

I can’t stand my family (the people regularly in this house), my sister (the one who ‘surprised’ me by showing up for the week), some friends from high school, some friends from university and the boyfriend at the moment. The holidays are getting to me and it’s been just under two weeks now with a […]