Busy like a bee

I… may have been a teensy bit bad and spent (quite) a bit of money today. But it’s totally a-okay because I can afford it and, well, my new dolly is going to be here by the end of the week (if the seller’s shipping estimate is anything to go by, apparently 5 working days […]

Musings for the weekend

My dolly blog is up! However, the links on the side don’t work (yet). They link back here, haha. But I’ll get them done this weekend – I got a little sidetrack by this cute feel-good movie that was on tv (called Chestnut: Hero of Central Park) which, while predictable, was a very nice movie […]


A few days ago (Tuesday), my mom scolded me at work for eating sweets because I was going to gain a lot of weight. One of the managers, L, overheard this exchange as she had been talking to my mom just seconds before but she hadn’t said anything about that. Today, I walked by an […]