Five little words

Caity was given 5 words as topics to blog about and issued the challenge to her readers. I asked for some words and these are the words that I received: music, Blythe, education, relationships and nursing. Thanks Caity! Music I used to be heavily involved in music, I was in choir and band for school […]

Work-a-lot Bear* & Buzzy W.A.S.P. update**

Dane – I tend to just refer to them by their first names amongst my family, or go “so-and-so’s kids”. But I call them my second cousins, but they call me auntie. Which is kinda awkward since the oldest of the three is only 6 years younger than I am. Heather – I don’t have […]

Saturday date night! Sunday parade day!

Hanging out with Clay was fun. He drove around a lot just for me though, I feel bad about that. But I had a great time last night. We had dinner while talking to his parents, his brother and his brother’s fiance (and later, his brother’s friend). Erm… I didn’t do a whole lot of […]