Fight, date night and Blythe – oh my!

So… No entry yesterday. And I have a very good reason for it. I woke up fairly early and I went shopping with my sisters. I ended up buying 3 glass focal beads (dichroic glass, for any that care) for my jewellery work at half-price – something I was incredibly happy about. I wasn’t in […]

Not much of a clotheshorse

Heather – I have tickets for Les Miserables! I’m so excited for it. I’ve been driving my sisters insane since I’m sort of (maybe) just a little bit crazy and have been (only sort of) counting down… I’m a nut, what can I say? That being said, I’ve been listening to Les Mis almost exclusively […]

A lot like love

I realized today that when you wish for something to happen, and it does, you realize that something is bound to not be quite the way that you’d like it to be. It hit me today, when I woke up and saw a missed call on my cell phone – probably about a half hour […]