Workish and not so W.A.S.P.-free

Haven’t felt up for anything today… Went to work and lazed about (working, granted). I cleaned and entered data and cleaned some more and entered more data. My desk has never looked so clean. I’m going to take a photo tomorrow to remind myself that my desk can actually be clean. Huge contrast compared to […]

Work-a-lot Bear* & Buzzy W.A.S.P. update**

Dane – I tend to just refer to them by their first names amongst my family, or go “so-and-so’s kids”. But I call them my second cousins, but they call me auntie. Which is kinda awkward since the oldest of the three is only 6 years younger than I am. Heather – I don’t have […]

I want off this roller coaster. Now.

Wednesday… What can I say about Wednesday? Work Issues… Well, for starters, it was 40 degrees today. Celsius, for all you people thinking “Zomg, that’s so cold!” as that would be 4.5C – which is almost freezing! – if that was 40F. But no, it was 40C, which is 104F. Yeah, I was incredibly not […]