Hello, 2010!

Whee, new theme for welcoming in 2010! The photo was taken by my mom when she was on vacation. I’ve also rearranged things and removed some things from my sidebar *points to the side*. I changed the number of Flickr images that show up and just changed up the way things show up over there. […]

Light shows and dinner failures!

Zomg. Last night, I left the house without the sisters or mom with me – hello, freedom! Not that I don’t love my family (I do), it’s just that I don’t like spending that much time with them because they start getting nit picky with me, or start commenting on the clothes that I wear […]

A treeless house

Last day of lectures today. Just four more finals between me and my hopefully blissful winter holidays. I am just so looking forward to having a break from classes. School, work, school, work, school, work, school, work, school. More, more, more school. I go through this lovely cycle of school and work. And right now […]