Michelle, the chemistry student that… could?

I went shopping today (yay). K was nice enough to accompany me as I went to the bakery to place an order for a birthday cake and then to the store to get my gift to myself (and no, it wasn’t a birthday cake for myself!). And… just in case you haven’t noticed yet, there […]

Woes and rambling

I’m not sure what is wrong with me lately, but I have actually been waking up at decent times this weekend! Like instead of sleeping until 11pm or noon (like I normally do), I’ve been getting up at around 8 or 9am. And while this is still later than my alarm for the weekdays is […]

Mishaps, comfort, friends and dolls. <3

[Side note for Dane: your 5 words are: (1) Disney, (2) relationships, (3) family, (4) future and (5) independence] Sunday was briefly eventful. Volunteering went splendid, I helped out with the trivia game and the residents really seem to enjoy it (especially when one person realizes that they’ve been answering correctly more than everyone else […]