Where I’ve been

Long time no post! At least not a public post, heh. Last Saturday (18th), I got up at an awful and early time to head to the Greyhound Station. I was in transit from 6:15am until about 10:40am (or so) when I arrived in Seattle, WA. From there I had a 3 hour ‘transfer wait’ […]

Pretending to be busy like a bee

So I’ve been a little busy lately, what with a new website project and all… BlytheLife.com Oh, I’ve also learned what every good webmaster knows: have giveaway, will have hits/comments/linkbacks skyrocket. Which isn’t bad, to say the least. Other things in life, since my Canada Day incident with a cat and subsequently stupid people have […]

Productive days

So today… I cleaned my room, cooked, cleaned part of the house (yay for the vacuum cleaner…) and checked for my grades (again!). I’ve only gotten 2 of 4 of my grades in so far. I’m still waiting on math (the big nailbiter) and my plants biology class. I also got the grade for my […]