Say my name, say my name

Occasionally, people at work will ask me how to (correctly!) pronounce my mom’s name. Only because different people will pronounce it differently, stressing either the first or last syllable. So today I got asked how to pronounce her name. And this is what happened: D: Hey Michelle, what do you call your mom? M: “Mom”…? […]


I’ve been given a new nickname at work. It goes with a whole looooooong list of random nicknames that I’ve “earned” since working there. Such nicknames do include: T-bird, Phoenix, Cheer Bear (from Care Bears), Grumpy Bear (from Care Bears), Blue, “That Girl” (which I’ve never answered to), Bumblebee/Bee (which is frequently followed by “buzz!”) […]

Not much of a clotheshorse

Heather – I have tickets for Les Miserables! I’m so excited for it. I’ve been driving my sisters insane since I’m sort of (maybe) just a little bit crazy and have been (only sort of) counting down… I’m a nut, what can I say? That being said, I’ve been listening to Les Mis almost exclusively […]