Work, work, work

Mister Snuffles thinks you’re all cute too. However, as of today, he’s been sent off to his new home. Hopefully the new owners will think that he’s super adorable as well. D peeked into the gift bag (apparently he’s not allowed to open the baby gifts) and was impressed and asked me where I bought […]

What was your first clue?

This is what a “Mister Snuffles” looks like. Go check him out. He is going to be given away tomorrow to D. Plus I had a lot of fun photographing him, he’s quite the ham for the camera. He even takes over my face at one point (but I decided not to post up photographic […]

Taxidermy, Fighting & Mr Snuffles

@ Kristi – Prawns (or shrimp, both terms are used – but there is a difference!) are crustaceans. Just like crabs and lobsters. And, in short, are seafood and kind of a basic part of my diet (… well, I wish). Sunday was fairly good. I had volunteering from 1-3 where I interacted with my […]