Birds of a feather

My grades for this term: C+ (chemistry), B- (English literature), B+ (psychology) and… then there’s biology. Guess who got an A in biology?! My GPA for the year (September-April for 2008/2009) looks really nice now. It’s a B average and I’m really happy with it. I mean, yeah, there are some classes that I felt […]

Bored with… everything. (Sort of.)

My biology mark isn’t up yet. It’s been a little over two weeks… Granted, regular midterms take about a month just to get back to the class. But still, marks have to get in relatively soon since my school goes through academic records to hand out year standings by the end of the month. So […]

So what’s the difference between two different things again?

So today… Woke up, ate breakfast, made a new bracelet for my mom, went for a run (my legs aren’t being very forgiving for it, by the way). Then there was a lunch, watching Dollhouse as I didn’t get a chance to watch it last night (SPOILER, because I’m awful: omg, did you watch it?! […]