Why do you blog?

I had a conversation with a friend today during my break between classes. She was talking about her weekend and how she’d spent a couple hundred on dinner for her and one other person (because authentic Japanese food apparently costs a bundle) and she was going on about how since school had started in September, […]


This is a photo of a buttercup root cross-section that I took with my regular point-and-shoot camera via the eye piece of the compound microscope that I was looking through. It’s at 400x magnification (and if you’ve ever yanked up a buttercup before, you know how tiny their roots are!). This is a prepared slide […]

Michelle, the chemistry student that… could?

I went shopping today (yay). K was nice enough to accompany me as I went to the bakery to place an order for a birthday cake and then to the store to get my gift to myself (and no, it wasn’t a birthday cake for myself!). And… just in case you haven’t noticed yet, there […]