Cute, but odd

Just a few things to mention that occurred today: Handed in my application for the nursing program at one of the schools that I’m applying to for August/September 2010 I’ve been on 8 buses today. I got 8/10 on my cell biology term paper (the one on primary cilium and their importance) – whoot? Today […]

A (rare) moment of silence

I wish I could write plays. But all I do is transcribe conversations that I have and have heard. And honestly… this one takes the cake among all the conversations that I have and have heard. My school? It’s like a lush amount of hilarious or incredibly sad conversations. This one would be one of […]

Birthday smasharoonies!

(Yes, I make up words for the hell of it. It’s fun sometimes, but I do still have a great appreciation for the English language.) So last night was my birthday party. People were fashionably (and not-so fashionably) late as well as being super early (while thinking that they were late, haha). But it was […]