Work-a-lot Bear* & Buzzy W.A.S.P. update**

Dane – I tend to just refer to them by their first names amongst my family, or go “so-and-so’s kids”. But I call them my second cousins, but they call me auntie. Which is kinda awkward since the oldest of the three is only 6 years younger than I am. Heather – I don’t have […]

Work, work, workitty-work-work.

Yes, I make up words. Thank goodness for not being an English major. (Even though I like English and literature and all that jazz.) My desk has changed quite a bit from yesterday to today. For instance, when S (who works in reception) came by to deliver my ‘mail’ (papers sent from Building B to […]


A few days ago (Tuesday), my mom scolded me at work for eating sweets because I was going to gain a lot of weight. One of the managers, L, overheard this exchange as she had been talking to my mom just seconds before but she hadn’t said anything about that. Today, I walked by an […]