Nightmare about sex and how I’m scarred for life (thanks Kristi!)
So I was having a chat with Kristi last night about things I ought to know but really, no one ever says about sex. I mean, she started telling me all the things that can go wrong and what could go wrong. And about how everything gets ripped and there’s pain and there’s blood and […]
Just another dream…
I woke up this morning from another bad dream. I mean, I never used to have dreams like this. I used to just… fall asleep and if I have a dream, I used to not remember them very well. But then last week’s dream happened and then today’s dream happened. And I remember them, I […]
Better alive, right?
I just realized that yesterday (on 9-11), I blogged at 9:11pm. Coincidence? Yes, actually, it was. So here I am, eating my seafood wrap (the only seafood it contains is imitation crab meat aka white fish and shrimp – and it definitely does not contain enough seafood to warrent being called a ‘seafood wrap’) and […]