Why me?

Hey, drunken phone call conversation time! J: Michelle? M: Yes…? J: Michelle. You have to help me. M: (thinking: have to help?) What’s up? J: N’s not giving me back my umm… i… i… i… iPod? M: Erm… Have you talked to him since you dumped him? J: OF COURSE I HAVE! (note to self: […]

Attempting to help with Valentine’s plans

So while I was utilizing my very awesome morning off from my biology lab (still love my TA for that!), I decided not to hang around at home because I can’t get much studying done there when my dad’s around since he’s always there and hovering and wanting to know what I’m doing and randomly […]

Faked optimism at its best.

I just reread all that I wrote last night and realized that I sound like an incredibly ungrateful spoiled brat. Which I’m not. I sincerely hope. So to start things off on a good note today… I pulled out a crochet hook and some yarn and started on my lace shawl that I’m making for […]