Presenting… hot air balloons

Welcome to layout number seven of I’m your host, Michelle, and this is layout seven with ‘hot air balloons over the city at sunset’. I hope you all like it, I know that I do. Work was okay today. I have fifteen pages for my lovely second-to-last manual that I’m writing for work. Yay […]

It’s gift giving time!

I have some new content today! Top 10 Gifts to Give to Your Ex Top 10 Inappropriate Gifts I hope everyone has an awesome Sunday August 17th. I’m going to be going to the beach for a party later today at around 10:15-10:30am and then going to an awesome night market from 7-9pm. I hope […]

Happy BC Day

BC Day (or British Columbia Day) for those wondering, is not the date of the birthdate of the province of BC. It’s just a civic holiday created for the first Monday of August. Other provinces/territories that have a civic holiday in Canada on the first Monday of August include: New Brunswick (New Brunswick Day), Saskatchewan […]