Low-key Friday ftw.

Back in 2003, I got my first and second domain names. One was initially bought to be shared with my bestest, K. The other was one than online friend, whom I have since lost contact with since. My second domain name was always my favourite, I had it for two years (June 2003 to June […]

Happy days… Ish.

So I went with my sister go and buy her new computer last night. My mom was a little concerned, my sister was in the store for all of 5 minutes before handing over her credit card to drop nearly around $900 on the new laptop. It’s an HP laptop (dv6-series, same as mine – […]


Felt so unproductive today. =( However, I worked on my notes for psychology (we know what is roughly on the final: terms from all the chapters that we’ve had to read in the textbook, plus 8 potential essay topics with 2 of them showing up) – I read all the chapters from since the midterm […]