Almost cheery Tuesday!

Oh dear, Caity and Jenna! I didn’t mean four hours of math! I meant four hours between my 3rd class of the day and my 4th class (being math!) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My math class will only be 1 hour long, three times a week. You had me scared there for a moment! […]

I’m not like “everyone else”

Hey everyone, thanks for the concern about yesterday. (Caity, sorry there wasn’t a block of Michelle text waiting for you!) So… Sunday. I went to bed like really late, I stayed up to talk to Clay and then I fell asleep on him (I do this a lot, by the way), which wasn’t my intention […]

It was just one of those days

Yesterday was an incredibly long day. Today’s been an incredibly long day. Headed out with the family for lunch (lunch for them, breakfast for me – we left at 10am!). Later, apparently we drove over an hour just for lunch/breakfast (go figure) and then we went back home. My sister had a dentist appointment, so […]