Be kind, fast forward.

Thursday Day of my biology lab midterm! It went fairly well… Until I got to my second-to-last station. I blanked out on the slides that were at that station and gave my best try at an answer. Not sure how well that ended up. Clay and I also worked some things out (ish) and we’re […]

Why don’t you… distract me or something?

So this is what I did today: Sneezed. A lot. Watched Supersize Me with the sisters (it was the first time for both of them to watch it, D was so disgusted, it was hilarious!) Finished notes, definitions and readings for my psychology class (midterm this Friday!) Printed out slides for the last 4 lectures […]


This is a photo of a buttercup root cross-section that I took with my regular point-and-shoot camera via the eye piece of the compound microscope that I was looking through. It’s at 400x magnification (and if you’ve ever yanked up a buttercup before, you know how tiny their roots are!). This is a prepared slide […]