All I want for Christmas… is you

I spent an hour today attempting to teach my friend how to knit and purl as she decided a little while ago that she would knit her boyfriend a scarf for Christmas. Actually, let me amend that: she wants to knit a scarf that is ~30cm wide and ~6 feet long. By Christmas. So ~6 […]

Names and (the thought of) getting teeth ripped out of me

My Simply Peppermint (new Blythe doll) has a name, Tertiary Jane. A pseudo-explanation for her name is over at my dolly blog. I ended up having her sitting at the table this morning while I was eating breakfast, just so I could figure out what name ‘clicked’ with her. My mom thinks I’m a complete […]

It’s a clumsy me day

I read the novel Frindle by Andrew Clements when I was 8 years old. It was a chapter book recommended to me by my teacher that year because I had exhausted the collection of books in the classroom. It’s a really fun book, of those who have never heard of it. It’s about the story […]