After volunteering today (I’m back on Fridays!), I walked to the bus stop and witnessed a black squirrel getting hit by a car. It wasn’t ‘flatten’ on the road (I believe it just got hit, so not run over) and another black squirrel darts out to where the injured/potentially dead squirrel was and started running […]
Back to school (seriously, this time)
I woke up at 5:15am this morning and was all ready by 6am, I caught my bus at around 6:15am (my first class is at 8am, gah). The only problem with this whole thing was that the rain would just not go away. It was raining from before I woke up to around maybe right […]
Mishaps, comfort, friends and dolls. <3
[Side note for Dane: your 5 words are: (1) Disney, (2) relationships, (3) family, (4) future and (5) independence] Sunday was briefly eventful. Volunteering went splendid, I helped out with the trivia game and the residents really seem to enjoy it (especially when one person realizes that they’ve been answering correctly more than everyone else […]