A little retail therapy goes a looooong way

Before I get started today, I feel like giving a shoutout to Caity. She recently ran her first giveaway on her blog for a product called the HairZing, a double comb hair accessory, and I found out today that I was one of the winners! So go and check out her blog, she takes some […]

I want off this roller coaster. Now.

Wednesday… What can I say about Wednesday? Work Issues… Well, for starters, it was 40 degrees today. Celsius, for all you people thinking “Zomg, that’s so cold!” as that would be 4.5C – which is almost freezing! – if that was 40F. But no, it was 40C, which is 104F. Yeah, I was incredibly not […]

Fight, date night and Blythe – oh my!

So… No entry yesterday. And I have a very good reason for it. I woke up fairly early and I went shopping with my sisters. I ended up buying 3 glass focal beads (dichroic glass, for any that care) for my jewellery work at half-price – something I was incredibly happy about. I wasn’t in […]