Sneezing, meet… Nauseous

Work was long and boring… It has been the last few work days. Mostly because there’s been zero meetings and just a lot of data entry. I’m writing up documents for work and rearranging files and organizing photos. Plus, my computer is in an area where there’s a few other people, but they don’t do […]

I’m not like “everyone else”

Hey everyone, thanks for the concern about yesterday. (Caity, sorry there wasn’t a block of Michelle text waiting for you!) So… Sunday. I went to bed like really late, I stayed up to talk to Clay and then I fell asleep on him (I do this a lot, by the way), which wasn’t my intention […]

A little bit of everything

The last week has been… Well, “interesting” is too vague and “exciting” is all wrong, no matter how you take the meaning of the word. Work’s been fairly consistent. Go to work, log into my computer and scan a few documents before getting my ‘real’ task for the day. Now, my supervisor will be off […]