What’s short and red all over?

Has anyone else been having a lazy day today besides me? My laziness may be coupled with the fact that I’ve been sniffling all day. Oh, plus I opened a new bottle of body wash today and it’s a brand that I’ve used before and loved so I bought the same product with a different […]

In the gutter? Impossible!

I headed out today to spend time with people (J, B, R, C, A, S and M – yeah, good luck keeping that sorted in your head) at the mall. A was initially not there as he thought we weren’t there (or something, I don’t know, I can’t follow his logic very well). So we […]

‘Tis the season

It’s the season for black ice and reckless driving and speeding and taking lots of photos of damaged cars… My parents got into a car accident on the way home today. My mom’s really shaken up because the other driver (who was at fault) drove straight into her door. She’s not hurt or anything, it’s […]