Swelling-be-gone =)
Wow, the last time I blogged here was Tuesday? Lots of changed since then (sort of). WednesdayThis was the day that it really hit that I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I woke up very tired and sore. The swelling really started to hit. Also, I didn’t eat very much with the medication that my […]
Wisdomless – Part 1
So guess who got their wisdom teeth remove?! (If you guessed anyone else but me, no cookies for you.) I had my appointment at 12:30pm and it last until around 3pm. I was only getting two of them removed (top and bottom on the left side – right side is getting done next week!). I […]
OMFG, it’s a wasp.
What’s worse? Wasps, spiders or ants? I went to the library today (first time in a while) and borrowed a crochet book to use and review from my crafts site (chelle-chelle.com). And I parked in the parking lot of the library and then I looked to reach for my bag on the passenger seat next […]