First class – biology (invertebrates)
Professor is really energetic, very young (but not as cute as my friends had made him sound like he was – they gushed about his stunningly good looks). Course seems very straight forward, in terms of marking and labs. He was very enthusiastic with the introductory material, so I figure that’s pretty good – provided he can keep up the energy throughout the term.
1 lecture midterm, 1 lecture final, 1 lab midterm, 1 lab final
Second class – math
Professor was not the one that was originally listed for my section – the university switched profs on me! I forgot how big math classes were… I haven’t taken a university level math class since second term in 2008, so it’s been a while… It’s also a first year class, so I’m (for the most part) 2 years older than everyone else in the class. Which makes me one of the oldest students in the class. I also had to buy a new textbook ($148, boo) for the class. Class is canceled for Wednesday (already?) and I have two sections in a chapter to go through for Friday’s class. As well, my professor uses a chalkboard and white chalk. Gah. I need to get a seat closer to the middle and to the front so I can actually read what he’s writing.
3 midterms, 1 final
Third class – biology (plants)
Two professors! Awesome teaching team! I love the botany department at my school. I get my favourite lab coordinator from my first term plants class as a professor for the first half of this class, plus as a lab coordinator. Plus I actually know people in this class. Yay.
2 lecture midterms, 1 lecture final, 1 lab midterm, 1 lab final
Fourth class – biology (biochem)
Don’t know yet – happens tomorrow.
I switched lab sections for one of my biology classes so I have a lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays now, so I end at 12:30pm on both days, rather than ending at 9:30am on Tuesdays and 5pm on Thursdays (because I just love public transit during rush hour).
So far, I’ve got 6 lecture midterms, 3 lecture finals, 2 lab midterms and 2 lab finals for 3 classes
I’m also still missing my infant psychology final grade. From term 1.
I love biology subjects too. During my HS, it was one of my favorites. Of course not included the teacher. lol. Way to go for all that subjects. Goodluck with math, coz I’m not good at all with numbers. haha.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!