So this is my schedule for the next… week and a bit. Classes end on Thursday, and once that’s over (I  end at 9:30am!), I’m hoping to do ~9 hours of studying per day. The first few days will focus mainly on invertebrates zoology (first exam, upcoming Monday) and then after that it’ll be ~9-12 hours/day for 3 courses (working on problem sets, practice problems, practice exams, reviewing material I haven’t laid eyes on since January, etc.). Absolutely no sleeping in – I plan to continue to wake up at 5:30am every day and get to bed before midnight.

Finals are underlined and italicized, priorities for specific days are underlined.

For every day that I don’t follow my study schedule, I’m fining myself $1 for each uncompleted task to go to a non-profit organization of my choice.

I plan on studying at home for the rest of this week (mostly because when I have class, I hate spending more time on campus than required). Next week (starting Monday, April 19th), chances are that I will be spending the majority of my time on campus (either harassing getting help from my math and biochemistry profs, isolating myself in a library or perhaps seeking out like-minded students for study groups!).

Items that are struck-out are completed. Items highlighted in red were not done.

Wednesday, April 14
Studying – invertebrates, biochem
Working on – biochem assignment, problem sets

Thursday, April 15 – last day of classes
Studying – invertebrates, biochem
Working on – biochem assignment, problem sets

Friday, April 16
Studying – invertebrates, biochem
Biochemistry assignment #2 due – 11:59pm Completed 04/15
Biochem Problem Set #5 Completed 04/16

Saturday, April 17
Studying – invertebrates, biochem, math
Working on – biochem problem set #6, math problems

Sunday, April 18
Studying – invertebrates, biochem, math
Working on – biochem problem set #7, math problems

Monday, April 19
Final #1 – Invertebrates zoology – 12pm
Studying – biochem, math, vascular plants
Working on – biochem problem sets, math problems

Tuesday, April 20
Studying – biochem, math, vascular plants
Working on – biochem problem sets, math problems

Wednesday,  April 21
Studying – biochem, math, vascular plants
Working on – biochem problem sets, math problems

Thursday, April 22
Studying – biochem, math, vascular plants
Working on – biochem problem sets, math problems

Friday, April 23
Studying – biochem, math, vascular plants
Working on – biochem problem sets, math problems
Biochem review session 3-5pm

Saturday, April 24
Final #2 – Calculus – 7pm
Studying – biochem, math, vascular plants
Working on – biochem problem sets, math problems

Sunday, April 25
Final #3 – Biochemistry – 12pm
Studying – biochem, vascular plants
Working on – biochem problem sets

Monday, April 26
Final #4 – Vascular plants – 7pm
Studying – vascular plants

4 Responses

    1. I *just* counted it all up and it’s a total of 64 different tasks (4 of them are the actual finals, so more like 60). I mean… total of 60 tasks, that’d be a crazy amount if it was $20/task, I’d go *really* broke.

  1. Best of luck and hope it all goes to plan. 😀 I like the idea of “fining” yourself. Personally I like to be threatened by friends for motivation. I actually briefly mentioned it on one of my blog posts. Dx

    I don’t really mind spending time on campus but some days, depending on my mood, I really, really want to go home ASAP. In high school I always wanted to stay back or go early. That was a bit insane. O_o

  2. Bejeezus that’s crazy! Good luck with that! Seriously! You’re a better person than me. There is no way I could stick to something like that!

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