Fur goodness sakes

Picture this scene. It’s about 3pm on a Saturday afternoon, let us say that it just happens to be January 9th, 2010. Michelle and her family decided to go shopping (gah, more shopping?!) and they ended up at a high-priced store. So while Michelle is seeing how a particular Burberry coat looks on her (didn’t […]

Hello, 2010!

Whee, new theme for welcoming in 2010! The photo was taken by my mom when she was on vacation. I’ve also rearranged things and removed some things from my sidebar *points to the side*. I changed the number of Flickr images that show up and just changed up the way things show up over there. […]

It wouldn’t be Christmas without the backhanded insults!

Oh… Christmas, Christmas, Christmas… What can I say about today? My family and I had crepes this morning for breakfast. Super organic crepes. If it could, the bag of crepe mix would have had a superhero cape because it was just that full of seeds and other healthy things. It tasted super healthy, even with […]